Call Us Today! (405) 447-2234
1906 Atchison Dr. Norman, Ok. 73069
Engineering Professionals
(405) 447-2234
Creative Analyses

Analytical & Materials Engineering specializes in the analysis of engineering failures: metallurgical, mechanical, plastics and composites.
Our clients are local, regional and national industries, insurers and claims adjustment groups, individuals and litigation teams. We evaluate heavy equipment and device failures, investigate property losses and reconstruct industrial accidents.
Our methodologies frequently cross into other scientific disciplines. Laboratory analyses, standard and innovative materials testing, plus creative evaluations comprise an instrumental package. Decades of engineering experience supply the analytical tools. The result – a resourceful package of tools and training to uncover solutions.
For questions or to request service, please contact us today at 405-447-2234.
Fractured gear teeth, parted oil well casing, corroded water piping and broken chain links are each costly. Add personnel injuries and the unrecoverable costs become immeasurable.
Engineering-forward: understanding premature failures and recognizing potential problems reduces downtime and unnecessary expenses.
Contact Information
Analytical & Materials Engineering
1906 Atchison Dr. Norman, Ok. 73069
Phone: 405-447-2234
Business Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed

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